High-Resolution Ethernet Communication Spectrometer

• Wide Spectral Range (up to 200~1050nm) • High Optical Resolution by 3K array CCD • Extremely Low Light Exposure Time up to 10 µsec • Communication over long distance • OnBoard averaging - average up to 65,535 spectra • OnBoard Memory(Volatile) - 17,000 spectra • Interface - Ethernet, USB, RS232(Custom)

Detectors Toshiba TDC 1304 (UV Enhanced Coated)
▶ Pixels : 3648 (Effective)
▶ Pixel Size : 8 μm X 200 μm
▶ Well depth : 100,000 e-
Dark Noise RMS < 50 RMS counts in 16bit @ 35 msec
Signal to Noise Ratio > 300 : 1
Fiber Coupler SMA905 N.A=0.22 Optical Fiber Input
Wavelength Range Full Range : 200 ~ 1050 nm
Other User Customized Range
Optical Resolution 0.10 ~ 10 nm FWHM
Dependent on Spectral Range, Slit Width, Fiber Diameter
Stray Light Level < 0.1% AVG.
Filter Second Order Blocking Filter Installed
Computer Interface Ethernet, USB, RS232(Custom)
Min. Integration Time 8 msec (General Mode)
10 usec (Shutter Mode) > 4msec
Trigger Mode Free Run Mode, S/W Trigger Mode,
External Trigger Mode (20-pin Connector)
: TTL Edge Trigger input
Operationg System Windows 7/10 (32/64 bit)
SDK Support Visual C++ DLL /LabVIEW VI SDK
Dimensions (Inches) 90 mm X 70 mm X 46 mm (3.54 X 2.76 X 1.81)
Weight 0.4 Kg

Excellent choice for high speed data acquisition and various applications

Korea Spectral Products is offering the new SM445N Toshiba TCD1304 spectrometer. Thanks to the enhanced design on the electronic board of the SM445N, the dark current noise level as well as the data acquisition speed have been improved.

Based on special optical bench design, it supports various applications where spectral or color measurements are required, including high speed data acquisition. The SM445N can accept light directly through its built-in slit or via optical fiber. The durable mechanical housing that encloses the SM445N provides stable optical bench operation over a wide range of temperatures.

Our array detectors(in conjunction with our special UV coating process and customized order sorting filters) allows up to a 1050 nm measurement range from 200 nm to 1050 nm (smaller measurement range mix increase spectral resolution and light sensitivity).

SM445N delivers acquisition communications via USB and Ethernet. Our USB board can support up to 8 multi-channel configurations, which allows a wide range of high-resolution or dual spectrometer systems (one for measurement and the other for reference). Applying a new UV-enhanced coating to the CCD increases UV sensitivity below 450 nm compared to conventional UV coatings widely used in CCD spectrometers. Thanks to this new UV coating, signal sensitivities below 450 nm can generally be improved 2-3 times more.

Software support includes SDKs and DLLs for developing dedicated applications and Windows OS-based spectrum acquisition and analysis software (SMProMX).

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